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Alabama Psychological Association

Advancing Minds, Transforming Lives

Engaging Effectively with Lawmakers

  • 02/25/2025
  • 8:00 AM
  • On-Demand


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • You must log-in to your account to access this option
  • Join aPA now for member pricing. First time members receive complimentary 1st year membership ($75 value)

    This workshop meets CE Requirements for the Alabama Board of Examiners.

    If you are out of state, check your State's CE Requirements.
  • This registration is for out of state registrants who are a members of their State Association.

    Please include your State when registering.

    This workshop meets CE Requirements for the Alabama Board of Examiners.

    If you are out of state, check your State's CE Requirements.

2025 aPA Mid-Winter Conference

Shaping the Future of Psychology

Pre-Conference Advocacy Training:
Engaging Effectively with Lawmakers Part 1

This workshop was recorded and is being offeredas an on-demand Workshop!

This workshop is free to aPA Members. 
 log-in to access free registration


Once registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing the link to the video, evaluation form and test.  

Upon completion of the evaluation form and test (must score 80% to pass), you will receive your CE Certificate via email

Stephanie Reeves, FASAE, CAE, Deputy Chief of Pu
blic Policy and Engagement, American Psychological Association

Workshop Description: Learn what advocacy looks like and how to make a persuasive case to lawmakers to benefit your community and profession. Clinicians, educators, researchers and students’ training and experience give them unique insights into key issues facing the nation. They can use those insights to inform the government as it works on solutions for those issues. However, many people do not know where to start. This two-part training will explain what opportunities are available when getting started with advocacy, and then focus on how to make a compelling case to lawmakers and your peers in meetings. There will be opportunities to practice these skills with fellow attendees through exercises during the training.

Learning Objectives:

At the completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe at least 3 actions one can undertake while engaging in advocacy
  • Describe at least 2 best practices in communicating persuasively with policymakers and applying the basics of story-telling in an advocacy context
  • Describe at least 2 best practices when participating in meetings with policymakers and/or their staff.

Speaker Bio:   Stefanie Reeves FASAE, CAE is the Deputy Chief of Public Policy and Engagement with the American Psychological Association. In this role, she manages the team that advances psychological science on the federal level to increase access to mental health services, combat discrimination and promote health equity. Stefanie was previously the Executive Director of the Maryland Psychological Association. Stefanie has an MA in Government from Johns Hopkins University and a BA in Psychology from the George Washington University. A member of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), she was named a Fellow of the association in 2020, served on their Board from 2018 - 2021 and is a 2008-2009 Diversity Executive Leadership (DELP) Scholar. In 2024, Stefanie received the ASAE Professional Performance Award, the highest honor given to an association staff member who is not the CEO of the organization. A native Washingtonian, Stefanie lives in Silver Spring, Maryland. SPEAKER BIOS 2025 MID-WINTER CONFERENCE Shaping the Future of Psychology 


Alabama Psychological Association has been  approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider,  ACEP No. 6914. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified.  Alabama Psychological Association is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


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